Here you can find answers to common questions related to our services divided by topic. The page is updated over time as new questions are reported to us. 

If you have additional questions that are not answered on this page please get in touch with us.


We have an innovative and cost-effective recruiting solution based on a proprietary method and leveraging a network of impartial and competent Experts (hard skills and soft skills). We help start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs and corporations find the best talent to fill open positions. We have a solution also for (smart) headhunters.

Traditionally, when you want to outsource your recruiting process, you turn to a recruiting/headhunting agency. These are rather expensive services that fail to significantly reduce the risks involved in hiring a new team member and the workload of the internal hiring process. ExpHire is different: we leverage a network of Experts (hard and soft skills) who help you identify the best possible candidate based on experience and who will reduce your internal recruiting efforts by at least 50%. Learn more about us on our Why ExpHire? dedicated page.

Suppose you are hiring an Affiliation manager to add to your marketing team. ExpHire provides you with an Expert who has at least 5 years of experience in affiliate marketing and is therefore able to understand the real capabilities of each of your candidates throughout the process (CV screening, interviews, tests, technical background check, offer phase). In addition, we can also provide soft skills Experts (psychologists) to test and assess the behavioral aspects of top candidates as well.

We believe that the key to a successful hiring process is a balance between 4 elements: hard skills, potential, soft skills/attitude and cultural fit. Our technical Experts evaluate skills and potential, our psychology Experts evaluate soft skills/attitude, but you are the only one who can judge the cultural fit. This means that although we will offload you of the majority of the work we will still have to collaborate to assure the most successful placements.

We offer a different and, in our opinion, more useful type of service. We are able to keep our prices low because we are an entirely digital company, we have no offices and limited fixed expenses, our Experts are busy during office hours with their daily work, and they only work with ExpHire to earn some extra money and as a form of “giving back.” Also remember that, unlike most headhunters, we do not work with “success fees” we are a service provider and you pay for the services you request. Visit the prices page for more info.

We are a digital company founded by people who have made their career growth in the online world, so for the time being we focus on roles that relate to the digital sector. Someone might argue that everything is digital today, true, and therefore we can help you with hiring processes in these areas: marketing, sales and business development, product and project management, software development, data and analytics, customer success and customer service, business and strategy management, creative and design, social, content and editorial, IT, systems, cloud and security. More information on this topic can be found on the Areas of Expertise page.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us.


We have designed the FULL package for those companies, such as startups, that do not have in-house HR and recruitment departments and therefore need a complete, turnkey solution. Scale-ups and large companies can also use this solution, especially in cases where they have to manage too many open positions at once or where there have been objective difficulties with internally managed sourcing for particularly difficult positions and profiles.

Short answer: we offer more and cost less! The FULL Package offers sourcing, and shortlisting and assistance up to the identification of the resource to be hired, but in addition we offer real Experts in the field of the position searched who know how to judge with the lens of their experience the CVs received, organize in-depth technical interviews, and evaluate candidates through specific tests. All of this significantly reduces the hiring effort on your team (internal recruiters and hiring managers) making your advantages even greater!

We have designed SELECT package for those companies, such as scale-ups, mid and big corporations that have in-house HR and recruitment departments and therefore can source high quality candidates in autonomy. Choosing SELECT takes a lot of pressure and workload off business areas, as hiring managers and teams related to the selected figure receive highly tested and hard-skilled candidates from ExpHire. With SELECT, the HR and business teams focus on the cultural fit of the candidates.

Short answer: we focus on 2 different steps of the hiring process!

The SELECT Package does not include candidate sourcing, and initial screenings, so that you can decide to do it internally or with the help of an headhunter (or ask us to do it using one of our ADD ONs). Select is more intended to reduce the time and the cost related to the internal rounds of the selection: we offer real Experts in the field of position search who know how to judge with the lens of their experience to organize in-depth technical interviews and evaluate candidates through specific tests. All of this significantly reduces the hiring effort on your team (internal recruiters and hiring managers) increasing the success rate of your hirings!

We have designed FINAL ROUND package for all the companies, start-ups, scale-ups, mid and big corporations that have in-house HR and recruitment departments or that use classic head hunters for their candidate sourcing, and therefore have already high quality candidate in the pipeline and shortlist. Choosing FINAL ROUND enables you to perform a final sanity check on your top candidates and add a third independent and unbiased eye to your selection process. We make sure that your bounce rate reduces by helping you select the best out of the best!

The FINAL ROUND Package does not include candidate sourcing, and initial screenings, so that you can decide to do it internally or with the help of an headhunter (or ask us to do it using one of our ADD ONs). FINAL ROUND is primarily intended to increase the success rate of the selection by adding an impartial review of your rose of finalist. Our Experts in the field of the position researched know how to judge final candidates with the lens of their experience and organize in-depth technical interviews. Our work significantly reduces the hiring effort on your team (internal recruiters and hiring managers) and increases the success rate of your hirings!

We are willing to tailor our packages to your needs to the extent possible, otherwise we suggest you consider our CUSTOM offerings, where you can choose and select from our list of services. You may have identified within your normal selection process a weakness, an element that needs to change to reduce time spent on an activity, related costs, or to improve effectiveness. Let’s give 2 examples: 1. you waste too much time screening hundreds of CVs and/or you are not qualified to understand technical profiles thoroughly, our Technical Experts can take on this job 2. you would like to do technical tests to your shortlist of candidates, but no one in the agency or at the client has the time/skills to create them and judge the results, one of our Technical Experts can do it for you.

CUSTOM Package

Our CUSTOM offering is fully flexible and customizable and is basically for anyone who needs to hire permanent staff or long-term consultants. Even traditional headhunters can use our services in CUSTOM mode and resell them in white label to their clients.
You can create your own customized offer with our pricing calculator and get additional discounts upon reaching annual thresholds of purchased CUSTOM services.

Our method of recruitment is based on the use of Experts, for each mandate we use the support of external professionals, managers who specialize in the same area as the candidate, but with more seniority. The Expert assigned to the project must fully understand your needs, which is why the matching, the first meeting and the definition of the recruiting project are of vital importance and are the basis of every collaboration with ExpHire. Keep in mind that with this package you get free access to our innovative online platform for project management and communication with your Experts.
Note: If you are an headhunter we have a favorable price for this service since you should already have covered most of the work with your client.

Each time you use a CUSTOM service, you contribute spending toward thresholds that give you increasing percentage discounts based on the total amount spent during the year in the form of a credit code to use the following year. Only the revenue generated by the purchase of CUSTOM services contributes toward the annual thresholds (other packages already enjoy significant discounts at source). Upon reaching €2500 spent over the course of a year you are entitled to a credit of €125 to use the following year, upon reaching €5000 you get a credit of €500, upon reaching €10000 you have a credit of €1500, and upon reaching €20000 you get an incredible credit of €4000 to use the following year. The credit can be used with CUSTOM services and does not contribute to the generation of revenue thresholds for the year.


To be eligible for the promotion dedicated to startups you must meet all three of the following conditions: 1. your startup must be no more than 5 years old 2. your startup must have no more than 30 full-time employees 3. your startup must not have exceeded a turnover of 10 million Euros (or equivalent in other currency) in the previous fiscal year.

We think startups should have a great focus on recruitment of new resources as they do not have the luxury of making hiring mistakes. If you have a sufficient budget, we recommend that you opt for our FULL package, a turnkey solution that greatly reduces the risks of selecting the wrong candidates and has a very competitive cost when compared to traditional headhunting solutions that offer less and are more expensive. If your budget is limited, but you still want to take advantage of our recruiting system based on skill assessment by true technical Experts, we recommend the FINAL ROUND package that allows you to make the best choice of candidate to hire.


You can take advantage of dedicated scale-up discounts on our three recruitment packages up to a maximum of 10 times per package, beyond that, normal list prices (still very competitive) are applied. Your company must have a turnover for the previous year lower than 200 million Euros (or equivalent).

Normally a scale-up has an HR department and at least one person dedicated to recruiting and therefore we believe that the best packages for this type of company are SELECT and FINAL ROUND, however there are very specialized positions where a scale-up may struggle to attract a sufficient amount of applications, in which case it may make sense to outsource the complete process and choose the FULL package.


You can take advantage of dedicated Corporations discounts on our three recruitment packages up to a maximum of 10 times per package, beyond that normal list prices (still very competitive) are applied. If your company have a turnover for the previous year lower than 200 million Euros (or equivalent) scale-ups or startups discounts will apply.

Normally corporations have an HR department and different people dedicated to recruiting. Corporation tend to have a big number of CV submissions therefore we believe that the best packages for this type of company are SELECT and FINAL ROUND, however there are very specialized positions where a corporation may struggle to attract a sufficient amount of applications, in which case it may make sense to outsource the complete process and choose the FULL package.

The simple answer is yes.
ExpHire can work with large companies on what we call Special Projects.
Sometimes internal reorganization processes are needed, and a qualified external, disinterested eye is what we offer with both our Technical and Behavioral Experts.
We can interview your current employees, we can test them, and in cases of corporate restructuring we can even issue a Third Party Expert assessment to the redundant employee (to be used as a tool to evaluate future career options). Schedule a call with us to discuss a Special Project.


You can take advantage of dedicated Headhunters discounts on our three recruitment packages up to a maximum of 10 times per package, beyond that normal list prices (still very competitive) are applied. Consider CUSTOM package for bespoke services and volume discounts.

Headhunters know their business very well, their areas of expertise their own strengths and weaknesses, and understand which are the customer demands and needs they cannot currently meet. For these reasons we believe that the best package for headhunters is CUSTOM; simply choose what you need to provide a better and more comprehensive service to your clients choosing from a menu of a la carte ExpHire services. Buy more and pay less, it’s simple.

Become an Expert

Anyone who meets the requirements (at least 5 years’ experience in one of our fields of expertise, English proficiency at a level of at least C1, previous experience in recruitment processes, and willingness to apply in ExpHire recruitment meter) can apply to become one of our Technical Experts; if you are a labor psychologist, you can apply to become a Behavioral Expert.
Other qualities you must have are: adaptability to client needs, punctuality, reliability, not being self-centered, respect for candidates and client, ability to judge on merit and evaluate regardless of bias and personal preferences.

Mainly you will accompany ExpHire’s clients in their selection processes according to their requests, which may cover the entire recruiting process or parts of it. Typically, activities where your specific skills in a given role are an added value in the process are: writing and reviewing a job description, screening of received CVs, selecting a shortlist of candidates and creating profile sheets, technical interviews to candidates, creating and evaluating tests, supporting the definition of the job offer, and checking candidates’ technical references.
For Behavioral Experts, activities are limited to evaluation and interpretation of behavioral tests and interviews designed to investigate candidates’ soft skills.

Expert work is on a project basis, whenever we have a client with an active search for a role for which your experience may be a good match we contact you and describe the project and effort needed. You are free to accept the assignment or not.

Typically, the tasks the Expert has to perform take 3 to 20 hours of work over the course of 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the project and the client’s requirements. Most of this work is done outside typical office hours (candidates prefer to interview in the evenings, on lunch breaks or weekends…), only a few meetings with the client might take place during the day.

Of course, the moment you are selected as an Expert who is part of our network, we will offer you a framework contract of noncontinuous collaboration in which every single activity you can perform has a remuneration. To give you an idea at the moment our Experts earn between 40 and 70 Euros per hour depending on the type of activities they perform, their level of experience and seniority, and also depending on the type of expertise. When you are chosen for a recruitment project we apply the agreed rates for the activities you perform and at the end of the project, when the client has paid, we make the payment.

Let’s start from the assumption that if you are chosen to become an ExpHire Expert you already have the requirements to be a good Expert. ExpHire has values that we ask you to read and learn and adhere to every time you work on one of our projects. We have our own recruitment methodology, and we ask you to apply it (but don’t worry we provide you with all the useful quick and free training tools to understand and practice our method).
We ask you to read our blog so that you can stay up to date with the developments in the recruitment world and from time to time we organize webinars to answer questions from Experts, to share best practices and to analyze together every lesson learned.
At the end of each recruitment project, candidates and the client make a concise, qualitative judgment about your performance; this helps us understand whether and how well you are doing your job as an Expert (you also make a review about the client and the project).

We want ExpHire to quickly become the best way to hire people, and to achieve this result we need our Experts to offer superb quality work and to respect our values and principles. The evaluation you get at the end of each project from candidates and clients helps us ensure that you are performing your duties as an Expert with passion, seriousness, competence, and diligence. In the event that situations of dissatisfaction arise, we investigate them, try to deepen and understand with you what didn’t work and why, and decide whether to continue working with you in the future or not (you get paid for the work done in any case).
It may happen that a client and/or candidates complain about an Expert during the project for serious reasons, in which case we may consider suspension from the project and exclusion from our network of Experts (we hope that we will never have to find ourselves in this situation).

Absolutely yes, privacy is an important element for us, your name will not be displayed  in any public list of Experts (unless you want to and express explicit consent to do so), we do not share your name with clients before you agree to work with them, if you wish we can screen your name against candidates you come in contact with, and we do not oblige you to add on your LinkedIn profile the ExpHire collaboration (if you want to and can do so it makes us very happy…). It is your responsibility to respect the privacy and confidentiality of data you come into contact within recruitment projects, and it is very important that you promptly report any conflicts of interest with clients and candidates that may arise (e.g., you cannot impartially evaluate candidates you know).

The answer is: it depends.
The job and contract you currently have should guide you in answering this question, if for example you have an employment contract that explicitly denies the possibility of working for third parties you should not become an Expert. You need to be the one to ask yourself if and how you can collaborate with ExpHire. Some contracts for example only stipulate that you cannot work for direct competitors and in this case you will decide for each project whether you can participate or not.
You may also decide to talk to your manager and/or corporate human resources manager to see if the role of a noncontinuous contributor as an Expert outside your normal working hours is compatible with your current situation.
If you are a consultant you can probably round out by working with us on some recruiting projects without any problem.
For what it concerns declaring the income generated by your work as an Expert the responsibility is yours; we make payments upon receipt of an invoice or note of occasional, non-continuous work performed (in this case applying any deductions required by law).
The responsibility is yours and the consequences of your choices are yours.