The FULL package includes all the ingredients for a successful comprehensive recruitment process. ExpHire has a proprietary methodology that is based on Recruitment Building Blocks (elements that make up the selection process) and aims to achieve the end result: the Company>Role>Candidate Fit.

We start with an initial meeting in which we precisely define a client’s recruitment needs for a given role and crystallize them in our innovative and proprietary documents: the ExpHire Recruitment Canvas and the Role-Objectives Canvas.

The FULL package is ideal for those who want to outsource the majority of the recruiting process, including the candidate sourcing part, and want to get an innovative and premium service compared to classic headhunting agencies, as our process includes selection by Technical Experts who have direct expertise and experience for the position you are looking to fill.

The FULL Package has an extremely competitive cost that does not change as the salary for the position increases and is significantly lower when compared to the rates of traditional headhunting agencies. 

We offer a more comprehensive, more qualified and more affordable service.

What's Included in FULL

Intro Call

The first conversation (completely free of charge) allows us to better explain to you the benefits of ExpHire and understand your current and future recruiting needs, as well as learn more about your company culture and values.

Match with Your Expert

When you decide to entrust us with a recruitment process we work to find the Technical Expert most closely aligned with your needs, the professional in our network who has more than 5 years of prior experience in the position being recruited.

ExpHire Recruitment Canvas

We arrange an initial call between you (internal recruiter/founder/hiring manager) and ExpHire (account manager and Technical Expert) to go into the details of the position with a few questions that lead to the drafting of the ExpHire Recruitment Canvas, a document that summarizes the salient features of the company, the role, and the skills needed and guides the entire search.

Job Description Writing

The Technical Expert works on drafting a Job Description appropriate to the needs of the role and submits it to the client for approval and possible changes. If you already have a job description, the Expert provides feedback and any suggestions for updating it.

Job Premium Posting

ExpHire is responsible for posting and highlighting the job description on various portals (LinkedIn, Indeed, GitHub depending on the position) with paid premium placements to reach more candidates. We can name your Brand or maintain the privacy of your search with a post on your behalf.

Direct Sourcing

In addition to attracting Active candidates (who are currently looking for a job), we also help identify Passive candidates who meet the selection requirements by searching the web and contacting them directly to entice them to apply for the position.

First CVs Screening

Your Technical Expert, evaluates candidates' CVs, one by one, without using automatic keyword evaluation systems. Experience in the job sought helps the Expert select only the CVs that are most promising and in line with your needs.

Shortlist with Notes

The Technical Expert compares the selected profiles and prepares a shortlist of candidates to present to you including brief notes explaining why each profile is on the shortlist of candidates to be evaluated. We hand over the top 6 profiles; it is up to you to reduce the shortlist to 4. (For example, your internal recruiter might make a short call or the hiring manager send them some questions via email or you can make simple assessments based on CVs.)

Expert Interviews Candidates with Notes

The Expert proceeds to organize and conduct extended interviews (1 hour each) with the 4 selected candidates that aim to understand the candidates' past experience, skills, potential, and fit with respect to the role to be filled. At the end of each interview, the Expert arranges to share with you a template with his/her notes (candidates answer the same set of questions so as to facilitate comparison among them).

Expert Builds the Test

The Expert works on developing a practice test designed to thoroughly evaluate the technical skills of shortlisted candidates. Note that at your preference we can send the technical test before the interview round.

Expert Reviews Tests & Notes

The Expert sends the test to the shortlist and once he receives back the completed ones, he grades them and drafts notes that are shared with you (the test is also shared).

Your Interviews

ExpHire's recruiting process requires your cooperation; we are able with our services to best analyze candidates' hard and soft skills, but only you can fully understand the potential cultural fit. Therefore, we encourage you to conduct at least one round (preferably two and possibly no more than three) of interviews, typically with the internal recruiter (to reduce the initial shortlist) and with the hiring manager (to assess the fit not only within the company, but also within the team), the third interview could instead be done by other team members (grouping together 2/3 people).

Your Tests

You may decide to do additional testing to your final candidates, for example for more senior positions you may envisage creating a case with a presentation as the last step in the process. In any case, the process is mapped into the ExpHire Recruitment Canvas so that you can communicate it in Job Description for a transparent and better selection experience.

Behavioral Tests

We are able to submit a test to candidates to asses their behavioral traits and understand the possible fit in the existing team (right mix of personalities). We suggest to perform this check only on the final candidates and eventually follow with a soft skills interview.

Behavioral Interviews

We can match you with a Behavioral Expert, a psychologist with experience in the recruiting and assessment of soft skills, work attitude and potential of candidates. We suggest to perform this check only on the final candidates.

Final Debrief (Make Decisions)

The ExpHire team and your team meet virtually one more time at the end of the selection process to arrive at a final decision with respect to extending an offer to one of the candidates.

Salary Guidance & Benchmarking

We help you define the final economic offer, based both on market benchmarks and on the expectations and demands that emerged from the finalist as well as on the direct experience on this matter of our Technical Expert.

Feedback & Learnings

We ask both candidates and you to give feedback (classic star system) with respect to our service and the Technical Expert, in a final call we discuss the results and more generally the lessons learned during the project.


In addition to what is contained in the FULL package you can request ADD ONs which are additional Recruitment Building Blocks to our selection process, for a complete list of all ADD ONs and their prices visit this page.

Language Fluency

Sometimes candidates demonstrate a good command of language during interviews that is then not reflected in daily work practice; this happens because of the standard nature of responses during an interview. We conduct a language fluency interview with a native speaker and share his/her notes with you.

Expert Technical References Check Calls & Notes

Our Technical Expert performs the technical reference check through 4 separate calls to the chosen candidate's previous employers and shares notes with you.

More Services

Need more tests, candidate interviews, CV screenings than what is already included in your package? No problem, you can add these services at any time.


The cost of the FULL package is very affordable and includes a significant discount from the purchase of the individual recruitment Building Blocks included in it. Remember that our price remains unchanged and is independent of the annual salary of the position you are filling, you can take advantage of our introductory offer and additional volume discounts, as well as advantageous startup pricing (if you are eligible). Below you can also see a comparison with the usual expenses of a recruiting process with a headhunting agency and further appreciate our service and cost advantages.

Entrust us with the entire selection process and discover all the benefits of hiring top talent with the help of real Experts.

Compare with Headhunting

As you can appreciate from the table below, the cost of our FULL recruitment package is always lower than the success fee standards of traditional headhunters (which are based on a percentage calculated on annual gross salary). 

This is true for positions with a gross annual salary of at least 30000 Euros. Consider that we advise against hiring a junior profile based on prior skills and experience focusing instead on potential and cultural fit, so our service is ideal for selecting talent with at least 2 years of work experience and a salary of at least 30000 Euro (or equivalent). 

Get more at a lower cost!

Position Yearly Gross SalaryHeadhunter at 15% FeeHeadhunter at 20% FeeExpHire FULLExpHire FULL for Startups
€ 30.000€ 4.500€ 6.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 35.000€ 5.250€ 7.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 40.000€ 6.000€ 8.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 45.000€ 6.750€ 9.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 50.000€ 7.500€ 10.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 55.000€ 8.250€ 11.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 60.000€ 9.000€ 12.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 70.000€ 10.500€ 14.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 80.000€ 12.000€ 16.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 90.000€ 13.500€ 18.000€ 4.999€ 4.499
€ 100.000€ 15.000€ 20.000€ 4.999€ 4.499


FULL Package FAQs

We have designed FULL package for those companies, such as startups, that do not have in-house HR and recruitment departments and therefore need a complete, turnkey solution. Scale-ups and large companies can also use this solution, especially in cases where they have to manage too many open positions at once or where there have been objective difficulties with internally managed sourcing for particularly difficult positions and profiles.

Short answer: we offer more and cost less! The FULL Package offers sourcing, shortlisting and assistance up to the identification of the resource to be hired, but in addition we offer real Experts in the field of position search who know how to judge with the lens of their experience the CVs received, organize in-depth technical interviews, create and evaluate candidates through specific tests. All of this significantly reduces the hiring effort on your team (internal recruiters and hiring managers) making your convenience even higher!

We are willing to tailor our packages to your needs to the extent possible, otherwise we suggest you consider our CUSTOM offerings, where you can choose and select from our list of services. You may have identified within your normal selection process a weakness, an element that needs to change to reduce time spent on an activity, related costs, or to improve effectiveness. Let’s give 2 examples: 1. you waste too much time screening hundreds of CVs and/or you are not qualified to understand technical profiles thoroughly, our Technical Experts can take on this job 2. you would like to do technical tests to the shortlist of candidates, but no one in the agency or at the client has the time/skills to create them and judge the results, one of our Technical Experts can do it for you.

Traditionally, when you want to outsource your recruiting process, you turn to a recruiting/headhunting agency. These are rather expensive services that fail to significantly reduce the risks involved in hiring a new team member and the workload of the internal hiring process. ExpHire is different: we leverage a network of experts (in hard and soft skills) who help you identify the best possible candidate based on experience and who will reduce your internal recruiting efforts by at least 50%. Learn more on our Why ExpHire? dedicated page.

Suppose you are hiring an Affiliation manager to add to your marketing team. ExpHire provides you with an expert who has at least 5 years of experience in affiliate marketing and is therefore able to understand the real capabilities of each of your candidates throughout the process (CV screening, interviewing, testing, technical background check, offer phase). In addition, we can also provide soft skills experts (psychologists) to test and assess the behavioral aspects of top candidates as well.

We believe that the key to a successful hiring process is a balance between 4 elements: hard skills, potential, soft skills/attitude and cultural fit. Our technical Experts evaluate skills and potential, our psychology Experts evaluate soft skills/attitude, but you are the only one who can judge the cultural fit. This means that although we will offload you of the majority of the work we will still have to collaborate to assure the most successful placements.

We offer a different and, in our opinion, more useful type of service. We are able to keep our prices low because we are an entirely digital company, we have no offices, our Experts are busy during office hours with their daily work, and they only work with ExpHire to earn some extra money and as a form of “giving back.” Also remember that, unlike most headhunters, we do not work with “success fees”-we are a service provider and you pay for the services you request. Visit the prices page for more info.

We are a digital company founded by people who have made their careers in the online world, so for the time being we focus on roles that relate to the digital sector. Some might argue that everything is digital today, true, and we can help you with hiring processes in these areas: marketing, sales and business development, product and project management, software development, data and analytics, customer success and customer service, business and strategy management, creative and design, social, content and editorial, IT, systems, cloud and security. More information on this topic can be found on the Areas of Expertise page.