With the Vetted Candidates package, we help you find qualified passive candidates for each of your job searches. Not only do we find quality candidates, but we test their hard skills and soft skills before we present each candidate to you. So that you only connect with those who meet your search criteria. This service, unique in the market, allows you to have a fast selection process and focus only on quality candidates.
The Vetted Candidates package is particularly suitable for startups and companies that want to focus their recruitment efforts while getting the best results with the least amount of expense.
This service is also very useful in cases where, for reasons of opportunity, you do not want to openly publish a job description and want to conduct a confidential recruitment search.
Vetted candidates packages also include the creation of an ExpHire Recruitment Canvas, which allows us to define a clear description of the talent sought, the role, and the best possible fit between these two.

We create with you a Recruitment Canvas and based on it we source and test qualitative candidates. We provide you with 2 candidates who match your role/research criteria.
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We create with you a Recruitment Canvas and based on it we source and test qualitative candidates. We provide you with 3 candidates who match your role/research criteria.
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  • Recruitment Costs
  • Example for a Role with €40K/Yearly Salary
  • Commercial Offer
  • Shortlisted Candidates
  • Candidates' Search & Selection
  • Candidates' 1st Interview
  • Test Candidates' Hard Skills
  • Personality Test to Candidates
  • Language Proficiency Test to Candidates
  • Ability to Identify the Best Candidates
  • Client's Effort (HR & Hiring Manager)

ExpHire's Innovative Services

  • Fixed (Independent from Salary) & Convenient
  • 3 VETTED CANDIDATES at €1899
  • Transparent, Public Prices on Website
  • 3 Vetted Candidates
  • Targeted & Qualitative. We Verify Technical Skills
  • Extended and In-depth
  • Yes. Included in the Price
  • Yes. Included in the Price
  • Yes. Included in the Price
  • Excellent. Only Tested and Qualified Candidates
  • Limited. Talk Only to the Best Candidates

Traditional Headhunters

  • Variable. Success fee (% salary) + Retainer fee
  • Cost with 20% Success fee of €8000
  • Undisclosed, Prices on Request
  • 2-5 Candidates (usually)
  • Generic, Broad and Superficial
  • Brief and Generic
  • No. Not Included in Price
  • No. Not Included in Price
  • No. Not Included in Price
  • Decent, Generally.
  • Excessive. Waste Time with Poor Candidates