The simple answer is: because we are different! The long answer is: we fundamentally change the way recruitment works. We know that there are many issues in the current recruiting process for every actor involved in it and we think that by adding a new independent and unbiased Expert actor to the mix we can actually fix most of these problems. Here is a list of the problems and pains for each actor in the current problematic status.


Internal Recruiter

Hiring Manager


The Solution: ExpHire

We introduce Experts to the recruitment process. Our Experts help to fix the majority of the above mentioned problems and at the same time increase the quality and success of your recruiting processes. Let’s start by clarify an important thing: hiring is a collaborative process, it always has been and it always will be. We also believe that recruiting is an human centered activity (online tools and AI can help, sure, but humans are at the center of it). Our Experts are either technical (assessing hard skills) or behavioral (assessing soft skills). They have at least 5 years of relevant experience in the role you are filling. Experts apply the ExpHire recruitment method and they are constantly and openly reviewed by the clients and the candidates to make sure that our network of Experts is and always will be the best one.    We start from you, your hiring needs and how we can help solve those by leveraging our network of Experts. We match you with the best Expert in our network for the unique role you are filling and we create with you the ExpHire Recruiting Canvas, a one pager that is the stepping stone for every recruitment project. This document is similar to what startups do to easily understand their business with the Lean Canvas. ExpHire wants to find the Company>Role>Candidate Fit as the startups want to find the Product>Market Fit. To reach this goal we have a method based on 3 pillars that we believe are the foundations of every successful hiring.


Our Technical Experts have the professional experience to evaluate and judge candidates on their hard skills, previous work experience, tools knowledge and potential growth. They use their expertise to spot talents, they create and review tests and ask the right questions in complex interviews.


Our Behavioral Experts are experienced psychologists. They asses candidates behavior, work attitude in general and specific traits. They use experience, tests and interviews to identify the candidate with the right soft skills. You still have to know/tell us what is the right soft skills mix for you.


We want to understand your culture to be aligned with your needs, but the truth is you live and breath your culture everyday and you know the needs of each team of your company, therefore this is the part of the recruiting process where you play a fundamental role and that no one can replace/outsource.

Problems Fixed

All the problems we highlighted above are fixed by simply adding to the mix ExpHire, our network of Experts and our innovative recruiting methodology. Let’s see it in details.


Internal Recruiter

Hiring Manager


The Right Solutions

Every hiring project is different, every company is different and for these reasons we have decided to be a very flexible and transparent company with a bespoke approach for your needs. We have solutions for different types of companies and we have hiring products that are tailored to the most common recruiting needs and beyond. If you want to know more about our recruitment philosophy and methodology read our book manifesto.




Save Time and Money


ExpHire has been designed to reduce your workload by assigning to our team of crowdsourced Experts the tasks that help you qualify and identify the best candidates for a role (JD writing, CVs screening, Technical and behavioral interviews, Tests, Salary benchmarking, Technical background reference check). 

Every single actor in the recruiting process will save time: candidates, internal recruiters, hiring managers and even headhunters (if/when they are part of the picture). We save you time also by increasing the long term success of your hirings (passed probation period and employee longevity), so that you can reduce the total number of hiring projects per year. 


We have fairly priced our services, so far that even headhunters can ‘resell’ what we offer to their clients… 

We are affordable without compromising on the quality (in primis of the Experts). We are transparent and open about our prices and we can even provide you additional discounts if you are a startup and/or if you buy in volumes. 

Want to outsource the entire hiring process for a role? We provide this service for a fixed price, no matter the seniority and salary of the position with our FULL recruitment package starting at just €4499 (€3999 for Start-ups).

Just want to make a sanity check on the final candidates? We have you covered for just €999.


General FAQs

We have an innovative and cost-effective recruiting solution based on a proprietary method and leveraging a network of impartial and competent Experts (hard skills and soft skills). We help start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs and corporations find the best talent to fill open positions. We have a solution also for (smart) headhunters.

Traditionally, when you want to outsource your recruiting process, you turn to a recruiting/headhunting agency. These are rather expensive services that fail to significantly reduce the risks involved in hiring a new team member and the workload of the internal hiring process. ExpHire is different: we leverage a network of Experts (hard and soft skills) who help you identify the best possible candidate based on experience and who will reduce your internal recruiting efforts by at least 50%. Learn more about us on our Why ExpHire? dedicated page.

Suppose you are hiring an Affiliation manager to add to your marketing team. ExpHire provides you with an Expert who has at least 5 years of experience in affiliate marketing and is therefore able to understand the real capabilities of each of your candidates throughout the process (CV screening, interviews, tests, technical background check, offer phase). In addition, we can also provide soft skills Experts (psychologists) to test and assess the behavioral aspects of top candidates as well.

We believe that the key to a successful hiring process is a balance between 4 elements: hard skills, potential, soft skills/attitude and cultural fit. Our technical Experts evaluate skills and potential, our psychology Experts evaluate soft skills/attitude, but you are the only one who can judge the cultural fit. This means that although we will offload you of the majority of the work we will still have to collaborate to assure the most successful placements.

We offer a different and, in our opinion, more useful type of service. We are able to keep our prices low because we are an entirely digital company, we have no offices and limited fixed expenses, our Experts are busy during office hours with their daily work, and they only work with ExpHire to earn some extra money and as a form of “giving back.” Also remember that, unlike most headhunters, we do not work with “success fees” we are a service provider and you pay for the services you request. Visit the prices page for more info.

We are a digital company founded by people who have made their career growth in the online world, so for the time being we focus on roles that relate to the digital sector. Someone might argue that everything is digital today, true, and therefore we can help you with hiring processes in these areas: marketing, sales and business development, product and project management, software development, data and analytics, customer success and customer service, business and strategy management, creative and design, social, content and editorial, IT, systems, cloud and security. More information on this topic can be found on the Areas of Expertise page.

Please visit our full FAQ page and don’t hesitate to contact us.